Privacy Policy

Your Privacy means a lot to us.

Blessing Law Group, PLLC (“Attorney Blessing”, “we”, or “us”) is an international law firm. We are committed to safeguarding the personal data that you provide directly to us, that we collect in the course of our business, or that we receive from you when you visit our website or submit a job application to us.

This privacy policy explains to you how we collect and process your personal data and your rights in relation to your personal data that we process. It is a global policy that applies to all Attorney Blessing’s offices.

Please note that if you reply to one of our marketing emails or otherwise send a communication to us, that communication does not create an attorney-client relationship with us. Please do not send any information that you consider confidential unless and until we have agreed in writing to represent you with respect to that matter. Any information provided to us prior to our agreement to represent you may not be protected from disclosure and may not be subject to applicable privileges.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that enables us to identify you and that is related to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as your name, identification number(s), location data, certain commercial information, online identifiers, and educational and employment history. It does not include data that is anonymized or de-identified.

How we control you data.

For personal data that we collect and process about you, the data controller—as that term is defined in both the UK and EU General Data Protection Regulations (collectively “GDPR”)—is Baker Botts L.L.P., Baker Botts (UK) LLP, Baker Botts (Belgium) LLP, or Baker Botts (Singapore) LLP, depending on the entity with which you have principally interacted or with which you have a client or contractual relationship.

Baker Botts is not a data processor—as that term is defined in the GDPR—in the context of a client relationship.

Personal Data We Collect From or About You.

From time to time, we collect and process the following types of personal data from you:

  • Contact Data: this includes, for example, your name, your home or business address, your email address, your phone number, and your social media handles.
  • Client Data: this includes, for example, personal data provided to us by or on behalf of our clients and personal data that we collect in the course of providing our services to our clients, such as personal data provided by third parties.
  • Technical Data: this includes, for example, personal data that we collect from you when you interact with our website, applications, and email communications, such as your IP address and device ID.
  • Financial Data: this includes, for example, your bank account, payment card, and other related financial data.
  • Recruitment Data: this includes, for example, your CV, professional history, educational background, and related qualifications.
  • Marketing Data: this includes, for example, your preferences in receiving marketing or promotional information from us.
  • Other Data: any other personal data that you provide to us and which can be reasonably used to identify you.

We may collect data that is not identifiable to you or otherwise associated with you, such as aggregated data, anonymized, or de-identified data. This is not personal data. However, to the extent this data is stored or associated with your personal data, we will treat it as personal data; otherwise, it is not subject to this Privacy Policy.

How We Collect Your Personal Data

We collect personal data from you through a variety of sources. We strive to only collect personal data that is adequate, relevant, and limited to achieve the purpose(s) for which it was collected. We may from time-to-time provide you with supplemental information at the time we collect your personal data to address unique or situational collection needs, for example through our terms of engagement when we agree to represent you.

Examples of a ways in which we collect your personal data include:

  • Direct Interaction: you may provide us with your personal data when you interact with us, for example by enquiring about our services, giving us your contact details, registering for one of our events, subscribing to our updates or promotional material, or engaging in any way with our partners, lawyers, staff, or contractors.
  • Automated Technologies: we may collect personal data automatically when you visit our website, including through the use of logging and analytics tools, such as cookies, click on links in our emails, or visit our offices, including through the use of security footage, such as through the use of CCTV.
  • Private Third-Party Sources: we may collect personal data from private third-party sources, such as, for example, other law firms, banks, clients, recruitment agencies, regulators, certain governmental agencies, other organizations that you may have dealings with, and electronic data sources such as business information databases and providers.
  • Publicly-Available Sources: we may collect personal data from publicly available sources, including, for example, personal data available on the internet, on or from social media platforms, from governmental agencies, or company registries.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We process and use your personal data to the extent permitted by applicable law. This means:

  • We process your personal data if you have given us consent to process for one or more specific purposes;
  • We process your personal data if it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you;
  • We process your personal data if it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject; and/or
  • We process your personal data if it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests where those interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that require protection of your personal data.

We principally rely on the legitimate interest basis for the provision of our legal services, including client inception, onboarding and identification, the performance of our services, and for the administration and operation of Attorney Blessing. In addition, we principally rely on the legitimate interest basis for marketing and promoting relevant services to you, inviting you to relevant events, and providing you with our newsletters, updates, and legal and other information.

How and to Whom We Share Your Personal Data

We share your personal data within The Law Office of Blessing Ananti and with our contracted third-party processors and/or service providers who assist us in the administration and operation of The Law Office of Blessing Ananti, and in providing our legal services to and for our clients. In addition, we share your personal data when required by law. 

Third-party processors and service providers with whom we may share your personal data include:

  • Our information technology and telecommunications service providers, including data centers and cloud storage providers.
  • Our marketing service providers.
  • Our corporate and litigation support service providers.
  • Professional services organizations (e.g., law, accountancy, auditing, insurance, forensic, information security, and company formation service providers).
  • Expert witnesses and jury consultants.
  • Cybersecurity service providers.
  • Other service providers to whom we outsource aspects of the provision of our legal services and the administration and operation of The Law Office of Blessing Ananti .
  • To another law firm, in the event of a sale or merger of The Law Office of Blessing Ananti.
  • Business partners, such as those that co-host events with us.

We share personal data with third parties when we believe it is required by, or necessary to comply with, applicable law, such as opposing parties in litigation or transactions or in response to law enforcement, governmental, or judicial requests.

We do not sell or share your personal data to third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration and have not done so in the 12 months prior to the effective date of this privacy policy.

How and to Whom We Share Your Personal Data

We do not sell or share your personal data to third parties for monetary or other valuable consideration and have not done so in the 12 months prior to the effective date of this privacy policy

Where your personal information is held

Information may be held at our offices and those of our third-party agencies, service providers, representatives, and agents as described above (see above: “Who We Share Your Personal Information with”).

How long your personal information will be kept

We will keep your personal information while you have an account with us or while we are providing products AND/OR services to you. Thereafter, we will keep your personal information for as long as is necessary:

  • To respond to any questions, complaints or claims made by you or on your behalf;

  • To show that we treated you fairly; or

  • To keep records required by law.

We will not retain your personal information for longer than necessary for the purposes set out in this policy. Different retention periods apply for different types of personal information.

When it is no longer necessary to retain your personal information, we will delete or anonymize it.

Your rights under the GDPR

  • Right to Access. The right to be provided with a copy of your personal information.

  • Right to Rectification. The right to require us to correct any mistakes in your personal information.

  • Right to be Forgotten. The right to require us to delete your personal information—in certain situations.

  • Right to Restriction of Processing. The right to require us to restrict the processing of your personal information—in certain circumstances, e.g. if you contest the accuracy of the data.

  • Right to Data Portability. The right to receive the personal information you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and/or transmit that data to a third party—in certain situations.

  • Right to Object. The right to object: (i) at any time to your personal information being processed for direct marketing (including profiling) and (ii) in certain other situations to our continued processing of your personal information, e.g. processing carried out for the purpose of our legitimate interests.

  • Right Not to be Subject to Automated Individual Decision-Making. The right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling) that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. For further information on each of those rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, see the guidance from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on individual rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.

  • Right to Know and Data Portability. You have the right to request that we disclose certain information to you about our collection and use of your personal information over the past 12 months (the “right to know”). Once we receive your request and confirm your identity, we will disclose to you: (a) The categories of personal information we collected about you. (b) The categories of sources for the personal information we collected about you. (c) Our business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling that personal information. (d) The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information. (e) If we disclosed your personal information for a business purpose, a list disclosing: For a business purpose, identify the personal information categories that each category of recipient obtained. (f) The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you (also called a data portability request).

Personal information sold or unused for a business purpose.

  • We do not sell any personal information to any business.

How We Protect Your Personal Data

  • We have put in place physical, administrative, and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from being accidentally lost, used, altered, accessed, or disclosed in an unauthorized manner. We have put in place procedures to address suspected security breaches and will notify you and any applicable regulator in the event of a compromise or breach of your personal data where we are legally required to do so.

    However, no method of safeguarding information is completely secure. While we use measures designed to protect your personal data, we, unfortunately, cannot guarantee that our safeguards will be effective or sufficient. In addition, you should be aware that Internet data transmission is not always secure, and we cannot warrant that information you transmit to us is or will be secure.

Third-Party Websites and Links

  • Our website and other services may contain links to other websites or otherwise direct you to a third party over which we have no control and whose privacy policies may differ from ours. You should consult the privacy policies or statements for those third parties and we do not accept any responsibility for their use of your personal data that you may provide.

How to Exercise Your Privacy Rights

  • If you would like to exercise any of your rights as described in this Privacy Policy, please email us at

    If you choose to contact us by email, you will need to provide the following information:

    • Enough information to identify you (e.g., your full name, address and customer or matter reference number);

    • Proof of your identity and address (e.g., a copy of your driving license or passport and a recent utility or credit card bill); and

    • A description of what right you want to exercise and the information to which your request relates.

    We are not obligated to make a data access or data portability disclosure if we cannot verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we collected information or is someone authorized to act on such person’s behalf.

    Any personal information we collect from you to verify your identity in connection with your request will be used solely for the purposes of verification.

Changes to this privacy notice

  • If you would like to exercise any of your rights as described in this Privacy Policy, please email us at

    If you choose to contact us by email, you will need to provide the following information:

    • Enough information to identify you (e.g., your full name, address and customer or matter reference number);

    • Proof of your identity and address (e.g., a copy of your driving license or passport and a recent utility or credit card bill); and

    • A description of what right you want to exercise and the information to which your request relates.

    We are not obligated to make a data access or data portability disclosure if we cannot verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we collected information or is someone authorized to act on such person’s behalf.

    Any personal information we collect from you to verify your identity in connection with your request will be used solely for the purposes of verification.

How to contact us

  • Blessing Law Group P.L.L.C welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you believe that Blessing Law Group P.L.L.C has not adhered to this Policy, please contact us at

Our expertise is in crafting individualized legal solutions that secure and grow your financial and personal assets, ensuring a prosperous future for you and your endeavors.

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610 Uptown Blvd,
Suite 2000,
Cedar Hill, Tx 75104

By appointment only.

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